Beauty gubbins

I’ve written blogs for years and they’ve always been about books and writing. I review books, interview writers, share random essays and thoughts about literary stuff, and publicise my own stories. With a demanding job and limited time, blogging has become something I don’t do very often. (Plus, erm, so many social media places vying for my attention and an insatiable thirst for scrolling mindlessly.) I don’t keep an eye on stats and rarely think about my little blog, so I was surprised when I clicked on an email link and saw my number one post. Not one of my interviews, not one of my sometimes-contentious posts about literary magazines and publishing, not a review, but my ONLY ever post about skincare.

Having rosacea and menopausal skin that has rendered me a husk I get it! I’m interested too. So much so that I have an Instagram that I run with my ace pal Kellie. It’s called FACEACHE and we review the shit we put on our middle-aged faces. It was Kellie’s idea; she’s also responsible for the Bette and Joan pic. While I’m not sure which one of us is which, you can identify who writes a review by the emoji sign off – salt pot (me) or pie (Kellie).

We’ve reviewed Mirror Water Balm, Jones Road foundation, IT cosmetics CC cream, Debaser perfume, Benefit mascara, Caudalie, and the funniest of all – Kellie’s exploration of a beef tallow product. If that’s your kinda thing please head over to Instagram and give us a follow at FACEACHE REVIEWS